What does the average day in America look like for the typical American household? Where do people spend their time during the day? This simulation was designed to help understand the answers.
The above animation shows 1000 people traveling between locations for daily tasks, colored by location. Scrubbing through the sliders will show activities engaged by these 1000 people throughout the day, as well as general stats for the US population daily activities by year.
Inspired by Nathan Yau's Project. Data sourced from The Bureau of Labor Statistics.
home: ###
retail: ###
school: ###
food: ###
work: ###
hospital: ###
church: ###
sleeping: ###
personal care: ###
eating and drinking: ###
education: ###
working: ###
housework: ###
household care: ###
non-household care: ###
shopping: ###
professional care: ###
leisure: ###
sports: ###
religion: ###
volunteering: ###
phone calls: ###
miscellaneous: ###
traveling: ###
Activity Names
# of Hours Daily in Activity
Percentage of Population